Friday, January 27, 2012


Trash Response questions
1. Describe the conditions of the prison, why do you think children were locked up their.  The prison was  in bad shape it was old hot and many were very ill.  The kids might be in their because they stole or they trespassed on to some ones property.

2. How were Olivia and Gardo able to visit Olondriz. Olivia is a social worker so she said that Olondriz was Gardos grand father and that Olivia was his social worker. She bought clothes for Gardo so he didn't look like a dumb site boy.

3. What were the few things that Raphael learned about Rat that he "had never known and never asked about.”   Rat tells Raphael that he has a small fortune and that he is saving up to move back to his home island and to become a fisherman.  

4. What does the gardener tell Raphael and rat. he says that the money was  put in an old refrigerator and taken away when they new refrigerator was being moved in.

5. What would you do with six million dollars.  I would buy a nice big peace of property and then but two houses on it one for my parents the other for me. I would also buy a nice car and a motorcycle.

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